A REPORT ON PREVENTION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT St. George’s Arts and Science College is committed to creating a safe and secured learning environment for all students, faculty and staff. This report outlines the policies, initiatives, and preventive measures undertaken by the management to prevent sexual harassment in the campus. This institution adopts policies and regulations in accordance with the law of Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act -2013. .
Unwanted physical contact or advances
Verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
Display of sexually explicit content.
Our Institution has established an Internal Complaints Committee responsible for Receiving and addressing complaints, conducting investigation in a confidential and fair manner, providing counselling and taking necessary actions.
The ICC comprises of a Nodal officer – a senior female management member, 2 faculty members, 2 students’ representative (one boy and one girl).
We often conduct awareness programs on their rights and responsibilities, educate them about the legal consequences, and instil confidence to report any issue without fear.
We also have complaint boxes and complaint registers at designated places to report such harassments.
St. Georges College provides Support system and Legal Aid for the victims besides emotional support and legal guidance.
We have well-lit pathways, CCTV surveillance and security personnel in the campus.
We have easy access to local Police station located in close proximity to our institution within 5 kms in TP CHATHIRAM.
Further helpline no.181 is displayed in the notice board for reporting issues related to sexual harassment, which 24 x 7 a week.
Moreover, the students have been asked to download SOS KAVALAN APP in their mobile phones for reporting any emergency caused by even strangers.
This report affirms the college’s stance on zero tolerance towards sexual harassment and its continuous efforts to enhance safety of students and staff wellbeing in the campus to uphold dignity and respect for every member of its community.