Bachelor of Computer Science

About Course

The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2020 with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science. The Department has modern facilities for teaching, learning and research. The Department offers a wide array of research opportunities and programs of study at undergraduate level.The guidance and cooperation of the experienced and expert faculty members of the department is one of the attracting features of the department, which enlivens the students to stretch their wings, so that they can fly higher than their dreams and serve the country. Computer Science (CS) spans the range from theory to practice to cutting−edge inventions. CS makes graduates aware of new technologies and new ideas and is a foundation for many different computing careers.

Computer Scientists design and build software and create efficient solutions to real−world problems in fields such as robotics, computer−enhanced vision, and digital forensics.Almost every major challenge facing our world is turning to computing for a solution, from conquering disease to eliminating hunger, from improving education to protecting the environment.

A three year B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) degree in Computer Science focuses on the theoretical foundations of computation and information along with taking a practical approach to the applications of computation. The Department prepares students for a variety of jobs ranging from basic jobs such as data entry to advanced positions in the computer field as Graphic Designer, Web Designer, software tester, App developer, Multimedia Specialist, Cyber Security Professional, Hackers, Network Administrators and Code Developer.

Motto: “Progress and Innovation”


  • To develop innovation and to build progress in the field of technology.
  • To attire the learners with computer knowledge and expertise.
  • To contribute the knowledge in the computer science industry.
  • To apply techniques/methods for a sustainable growth.
  • To make skilled persons in the committed society.


  • To provide excellent and enthusiastic career opportunities
  • To train students to effectively excel their field of technology.
  • To solve real-world problems and thus amplify their potential as a quality professionals.
  • To give them a competitive dominance in the ever-changing and challenging global work environment of the IT industry.

Program Specific Outcomes

  • PSO 1: Able to identify the logic and develop software to solve real world problems.
  • PSO 2: Able to identify a problem and prepare the systematic strategy for problem solving
  • PSO 3: Able to develop web applications and mobile applications.
  • PSO 4: Able to develop new frameworks.
  • PSO 5: Inculcate the skill be a successful entrepreneur.